Christmas Lunch and Carol Service

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Come and join us for carols and a scrumptious Christmas lunch with all the trimmings!


Christmas Lunch and Carol Service

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Come and join us for carols and a scrumptious Christmas lunch with all the trimmings!


January Saturday Quiet Day: Pausing to Breathe ***FULLY BOOKED***

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

In this quiet day, designed for those new to quiet days as well as those who have been on many, we will explore different ways of praying with the Examen. As well as more traditional approaches we will also offer suggestions and opportunities for more creative multi-sensory approaches to prayer. Led by Revd Rhona Knight.


Textiles Retreat **1 SPACE AVAILABLE**

Discover the perfect blend of relaxation and artistic inspiration at Launde Abbey, where the Revd Claire Goode invites you into the world of textiles.


Resting in God: A Weekend Meditation Retreat **FULLY BOOKED**

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

With help from the teachings of Julian of Norwich, Martin Laird and others, we will explore the path of interior surrender, of releasing into and resting in God through our deepening stillness and shared silence. Led by Chris Whittington, founder of the School of Contemplative Life.


Inhabiting the Bible through story: The use of Imagination for Interpreting the Bible ***FULLY BOOKED***

***FULLY BOOKED*** During this retreat, we will explore what using imagination contributes to our reading of Scripture and what is lost when we don’t use it in our reading.  There will be input reflecting on imagination and what it brings to our understanding of scripture and lots of time for personal reflection. Led by Dr Paula Gooder.


February Quiet Day: The Psalms as Poetry

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Discover the timeless beauty of the Psalms as works of sacred poetry in the peaceful setting of Launde Abbey. These ancient songs have captured the human experience of faith for thousands of years, expressing everything from profound joy to deep lament through richly crafted imagery and metaphor. Led by Revd Chris Webb.


Rural Mission Hub at Launde Abbey

This rural mission hub day includes led reflection, time for personal prayer, mutual learning, shared wisdom and companionship with others in rural pioneering ministry.


Living with Loss ***1 PLACE REMAINING***

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Abi May and the team invite those who have experienced bereavement to gain the tools to help cope with the life-changing loss of a loved one.


Praying with Poetry

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Take some time out to explore the world of poetry and prayer. We will be both reading poetry prayerfully, and praying through our own writing, covering some basics of structure and metaphor as we go. Led by Amy Scott Robinson.


Soul Filled Meanderings

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

As the fresh spring mornings draw in, take a couple of hours, put on your coat and boots and explore and experience God’s creation. A guided walk led by Jo de Graaf.


Ash Wednesday Eucharist

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Would you like to join the Launde Abbey Community in our Chapel to observe Ash Wednesday? This day of reflection marks the beginning of Lent, inviting us into a time of prayer, self-reflection, repentance and renewal.

Lenten Meanderings

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

As Lent invites us into a time of reflection, take a couple of hours to step outside, put on your coat and boots, and meander through God’s creation. This is an opportunity to pause, notice, and listen—to slow down and be present. As you walk, take time to reflect on the season of Lent, a journey of preparation, renewal, and drawing closer to God. Using all your senses, be open to what He might be saying through the beauty and stillness around you. We will also attend midday prayer with the Launde community in the Augustine Chapel. This price includes a wonderful soup lunch and roll in the Dairy Tea Room café.
