Growing Up into the Children of God Retreat

Download our Launde@Home online retreat guide for this retreat here.

During this retreat we will look at some themes contained in David Newman’s book Growing Up into the Children of God:

• What is a mature relationship with God?
• What in that is God’s part and what is our part?
• Can we expect too much of God and turn him into a magician or too little and make faith not much more than a human enterprise?

We will also pick up issues like prayer and providence, pain and suffering and think through what makes for a mature church as well personal faith.

Tuesday 2 February

Listen to Midday Prayer

Or download the service here and listen to it anywhere.

Listen to Compline

Or download the service here and listen to it anywhere.

Wednesday 3 February

Listen to Midday Prayer

Or download the service here and listen to it anywhere.

Listen to Compline

Or download the service here and listen to it anywhere.

Please do take two minutes to complete our simple, four question feedback form – it’s a great help to us as we plan for future retreats. Thanks!