

Rediscover Retreats at Launde Abbey in 2021.
As lockdowns and restrictions ease – we hope! – we all need to find time to rediscover calm in the wake of anxiety, peace in the aftermath of turmoil, and joy amongst the ashes of sorrow.
Right now Launde Abbey is offering a range of online resources including live quiet days, retreats and training days; pre-recorded retreats with worship and reflections; prayer stations; and links to other resource providers. We’re also continuing our life as a praying community and would be delighted to pray for you. And we’re looking ahead to the time we can reopen the doors and offer you our welcome. Just follow the links to find out more …

If you find our online resources helpful and would like to make a donation to support our ongoing ministry, thank you!


Growing Up into the Children of God Retreat with David Newman (1-3 February). What is a mature relationship with God? What in that is God’s part and what is our part? Can we expect too much of God and turn him into a magician or too little and make faith not much more than a human enterprise? Find out more on here.

Enneagram Retreat with Becky Widdows, Sue Halliday and Nigel Halliday (15-17 February). Come and discover more about who you are and how God might want to shape you. We’ll be exploring the Enneagram in the Christian tradition and using it to help us grow in understanding ourselves and others. Find out more here.

Launde Abbey Quiet Days. Join us as we find time for God in the midst of the busyness of life – and connect with one another in prayer during these isolating times. Our next Quiet Days are Feb 8 (with David Newman) and March 1 (with Jim Wellington). Find out more here.

Our free Epiphany Retreat Beauty: The First Word with our Deputy Warden, Chris Webb is online right now – all the details are here!

An opportunity to stop for a few days with the Christmas story and be sharpened by the stillness and the scriptures and experience again the wonder of the truth they contain – God is with us. Find this retreat here.

THINKING ABOUT GOD. What do you find yourself thinking about during these extraordinary times? How can we learn what we need to from these days so that deep change becomes possible? David Newman, warden of Launde Abbey, offers reflections about the current situation and how we might respond faithfully, creatively and hopefully.


A Launde Abbey Deepening Discipleship Day exploring how we may hold an including and welcoming belief of same-sex relationships and marriage on the basis of, not in spite of, the teaching of scriptures. Find the talks here.

Every day the Launde Abbey community prays for our staff, guests, visitors and friends, and for those who leave prayer requests in our Chapel. Although our Chapel is currently closed, we’re continuing that life of prayer and we’d be delighted to include your request in those prayers too, so please use this form to let us know how we can pray with you.