Welcoming the Revd Alison Myers

Welcoming the Revd Alison Myers

Revd Alison Myers

A new Warden for Launde Abbey has been appointed. Currently a senior member of Ely diocesan clergy, Alison Myers will take up the role in early October following the retirement of David and Helen Newman later this summer.

Alison said: “I am pleased and honoured to have been offered this almost unique post, particularly now as we come out of the pandemic as a nation, a Church and as individuals, and learn how to flourish again. There is both healing and re-imagining to be done, and I am looking forward to picking up the baton from David and leading the team at Launde Abbey in sustaining the beating heart of prayer and spirituality that will be so vital.”

The Bishops of Leicester and Peterborough said “We are delighted to welcome Alison as Warden-designate of Launde Abbey and are grateful she has responded to God’s call in this way. Her unique set of experiences and skills, together with her previous knowledge and love of Launde, will be of great value in the coming years as Launde moves into a new chapter of its life post-pandemic. We would like to reiterate our gratitude to all the staff for their work over the challenging last 15 months, and wish David and Helen Newman every blessing as they move into retirement. We invite you to continue to pray for Launde Abbey as, in the words of the Launde 900 Collect, ‘with gratitude for the past, we step out with confidence into God’s future’.”

Jennie Page, Launde Abbey’s Chair of Trustees, said: “The trustees are very pleased that Revd Alison Myers has agreed to become warden of Launde Abbey after David Newman retires. We look forward to working with her to continue Launde’s important role in the Christian life of the country.” 

Alison is an experienced priest, currently Team Rector in the Lordsbridge Team – a lively multi-community, multi-minister ‘team ministry’ serving 11 villages west of Cambridge.

First as Team Vicar and then for the last 4½ years as the team lead for a rich mix of lay and ordained ministers, she has shaped and developed the benefice since its creation 11 years ago. Before Lordsbridge, she was the assistant minister in a pioneering multi-denominational church in the new town of Cambourne.

Alison is currently Diocesan Clergy Chair, a member of the Bishop’s Council and a contributor to discussions on finance, communications and diocesan strategy. She is a trustee for a local youthwork organisation and member of the working group shaping mission strategy for significant new housing in the wider area. She was a tutor for the Eastern Region Ministerial Course over a number of years and a contributor to local and regional continuing professional development for clergy.

Before her ordination in 2007, Alison worked first in IT and then as a management consultant with Accenture before developing a freelance business running workshops, writing, coaching and consulting for a wide range of clients on topics such as change management, organisational development, team working and leadership. She trained for the priesthood with the South East Institute for Theological Education and has since completed an MA in Pastoral Theology with the Cambridge Theological Federation. She is married to Boyd and has two young-adult sons.