Even while we’re self-isolating, unable to visit retreat houses and other favourite spiritual places, or missing our Sunday church services, we still want to pray, reflect and worship. So … if you can’t come to Launde, Launde will come to you!
During these next few weeks we’re going to offer some online resources to help you get the most out of these challenging weeks ahead. Watch this space, or see our emails for details of everything we launch. (Not on our email list? Sign up using the form towards the bottom of our home page!)
ONLINE HOLY WEEK RETREAT. The Holy Week story dominates the gospels, and the cross is the central Christian symbol. Yet all too easily this mystery at the heart of Christian faith slips by in the rush of approaching Easter and its transforming potential cannot penetrate deeply into our lives. Throughout Holy Week we ran an online retreat called The Way of the Cross; the retreat videos will remain online for those who missed the retreat and would like to take part (or those who want to re-watch a favourite!).
REFLECTIONS FOR EASTERTIDE. Easter stands at the heart of the Gospel. The apostle Paul claimed that Christian faith stands or falls on the resurrection of Jesus, and it’s certainly clear that the events of the first Easter weekend galvanised the dispirited disciples into an energised community of people whose message of grace and hope spread across the known world like wildfire. Over the next few weeks David and Helen Newman offer Reflections for Eastertide, an exploration of the implications of Easter faith in contemporary life.
Prayer requests. Our community continues to pray (even when we can’t gather) and we’d be happy to pray for you and your loved ones. Send us a prayer request
Resources for Sunday Worship
EASTER VIGIL. A group of cathedral precentors have organised a national online Easter Vigil, a creative act of prayer, worship and reflection taking place from 8pm on the evening of Saturday 11th April and available for a number of days afterwards for those who want to reflect on the Easter story. The Vigil can be found by clicking here; there’s more information about the service in this article from the Church Times and you can download a detailed programme.
Online Worship. Find a live stream Sunday service near you
(there are currently over 3000 churches live streaming services in England alone – so you don’t need to feel separated from the Christian community this weekend).
Resources for Daily Prayer
Daily Prayer from Common Worship. Join the Church of England in Daily Prayer
Daily Prayer Apps. The Church of England also produces apps for Daily Prayer and Reflections for Daily Prayer
Special Prayer Resources. Church of England resources for prayer during the coronavirus crisis
Prayer Stations. Dr Rhona Knight, a friend of Launde, has created a Facebook group offering daily prayer stations: find out more by clicking here. Rhona has kindly provided some of the prayer stations for download here too: