Tag Archives: peace and quiet

Soul Filled Meanderings

A guided walk at Launde Abbey, with Jo de Graaf.

Take a couple of hours of an afternoon, put on your coat and boots, to explore and experience God’s creation. This is an opportunity to stop, look and listen. Using all your senses to know and understand more about our Everlasting Father and Creator God.

Suitable for all abilities. Alternative activities available if weather is wet.

Walks planned for 2pm, meet at the front of the main house. Why not enjoy a hot drink and sweet treat in the Launde Abbey café after?

Places are limited to groups of 10, please book in advance.

Free of charge, donations welcome.

We’re pleased to bring you Soul Filled Meanderings as a new trial offering provided by Jo de Graaf and the Launde Abbey team. Future dates will be advertised when available. Booking costs may apply for future events.

For more information or to book your place call 01572 717254 or email tristan.owen@launde.org.uk.

Soul Filled Meanderings ***FULLY BOOKED***

A guided walk at Launde Abbey, with Jo de Graaf.

Take a couple of hours of an afternoon, put on your coat and boots, to explore and experience God’s creation. This is an opportunity to stop, look and listen. Using all your senses to know and understand more about our Everlasting Father and Creator God.

Suitable for all abilities. Alternative activities available if weather is wet.

Walks planned for 2pm, meet at the front of the main house. Why not enjoy a hot drink and sweet treat in the Launde Abbey café after?

Places are limited to groups of 10, please book in advance.

Free of charge, donations welcome.

We’re pleased to bring you Soul Filled Meanderings as a new trial offering provided by Jo de Graaf and the Launde Abbey team. Future dates will be advertised when available. Booking costs may apply for future events.

For more information or to book your place call 01572 717254 or email tristan.owen@launde.org.uk. Alternatively complete the below form…

Yes – I’d like to take part in this Soul Filled Meanderings event!  (Please complete this form to request a place.) 

    October Saturday Quiet Day

    We know that many of our regular guests like to know the dates of our Quiet Days well in advance.  In response to those requests we are publicising this event whilst still in the process of completing our planning of the programmes for 2024.

    Further details of this Saturday Quiet Day will follow shortly.  Please check back regularly.


    Quiet Day price: £44 includes lunch and coffee and tea throughout the day.
    Why not think about extending your time at Launde by staying overnight before or after the event, or both?  Check for availability and a quote when you contact us.


    Yes – I’d like to take part in this Quiet Day!  (Please complete this form to request a place.) 

      August Saturday Quiet Day

      We know that many of our regular guests like to know the dates of our Quiet Days well in advance.  In response to those requests we are publicising this event whilst still in the process of completing our planning of the programmes for 2024.

      Further details of this Saturday Quiet Day will follow shortly.  Please check back regularly.


      Quiet Day price: £44 includes lunch and coffee and tea throughout the day.
      Why not think about extending your time at Launde by staying overnight before or after the event, or both?  Check for availability and a quote when you contact us.


      Yes – I’d like to take part in this Quiet Day!  (Please complete this form to request a place.) 

        April Saturday Quiet Day ***FULLY BOOKED***

        This quiet day is now fully booked. Please see our programme for more dates.

        ‘The Joy of the Lord is my Strength.’ A Quiet Day led by Rev’d Catherine Wright.

        Rev’d Catherine Wright is one of our College of Chaplains here at Launde Abbey

        We will be looking together at the theme of joy: how we might rediscover the Joyful Creator and as a result make room for a little more joy in our lives as well as being joy-bearers in the world.

        Catherine writes: ‘I have found in the toughest of times, somewhat unexpectedly, that God has sought to offer me a different perspective on the way to find happiness. Rather than trying to manufacture joy, becoming aware that it is God who is infinitely joyful has led to new discoveries of how that may become my strength’.

        There will be opportunities to walk in the grounds (bring appropriate footwear etc.) and to use craft materials onsite (or bring your own – anything that brings you joy)! 

        We look forward to welcoming you. 

        Quiet Day price: £44 includes lunch and coffee and tea throughout the day.
        Why not think about extending your time at Launde by staying overnight before or after the event, or both?  Check for availability and a quote when you contact us.


        Yes – I’d like to take part in this Quiet Day!  (Please complete this form to request a place.) 

          March Saturday Quiet Day

          If the Word became flesh and blood, and “moved into the neighbourhood”, how then do we see our own bodies?  How do we relate to the bits we like? And the bits we don’t? A chance to think about our bodies, in both their brokenness and beauty, as “very good… wonderfully made”!

          Revd David Harknett

          This Quiet Day will be led by The Revd David Harknett and assisted by his daughter Rose.

          David has been given to Rose as a parent, carer, friend, explorer and annoyance.  Not expected to live because of sepsis in 2013, David has mild, chronic fatigue, but is able to swim, cycle and run.  He also oversees 6 small, rural villages outside Melton Mowbray.

          Rose Harknett at Launde

          Rose has been given to David as a daughter, demand, friend, entertainer and irritant. During David’s sabbatical in 2022, his wife Vicky described Rose as his “greatest Mentor”. She is non-verbal and attends Birch Wood Special School.




          Quiet Day price: £44 includes lunch and coffee and tea throughout the day.
          Why not think about extending your time at Launde by staying overnight before or after the event, or both?  Check for availability and a quote when you contact us.


          Yes – I’d like to take part in this Quiet Day!  (Please complete this form to request a place.) 

            January Saturday Quiet Day

            A day to reflect with Catherine Wright, our new chaplain, on using some of the familiar parables of Jesus in prayer.

            Catherine is a recent addition to our team, bringing a wealth of experience with her. She was previously the Director of Ministerial Formation at Ridley Hall and taught Christian History and Spirituality in the Cambridge Federation. Before going to Ridley Hall in 2014, Catherine completed twelve years in the Diocese of Bath and Wells as a Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Dean of Women Clergy. At the heart of all her work has been the desire to enable every disciple of Christ to reach her or his full potential, through opportunities to deepen spiritual life, knowledge of the Christian faith and engagement in worship, work, community and mission. Catherine is married to Geoff Boucher, who is also ordained. They enjoy long-distance walking, particularly the South West Coastal Path and the Derbyshire Peak District.

            Catherine will be joining the praying and working community here at Launde Abbey with a working pattern of two days a week for which she will be based onsite at the Abbey. Revd Alison Myers, Warden, said: “Catherine brings with her considerable skills and experience in spiritual direction, vocational discernment, and in enabling spiritual formation. We welcome her joining us in our daily rhythm of prayer and are excited about her contribution to the development of the ministry based at Launde Abbey.”

            Quiet Day price: £44 includes lunch and coffee and tea throughout the day.
            Why not think about extending your time at Launde by staying overnight before of after the event or both.  Check for availability and a quote when you contact us.

            Yes – I’d like to take part in this Quiet Day!  (Please complete this form to request a place.) 

              December Quiet Day

              We know that many of our regular guests like to know the dates of our Quiet Days well in advance.  In response to those requests we are publicising this event whilst still in the process of completing our planning of the programmes for 2024.

              Further details of this Quiet Day will follow shortly.  Please check back regularly.


              Quiet Day price: £44 includes lunch and coffee and tea throughout the day.
              Why not think about extending your time at Launde by staying overnight after the event.  Check for availability and a quote when you contact us.


              Yes – I’d like to take part in this Quiet Day!  (Please complete this form to request a place.) 

                November Quiet Day

                We know that many of our regular guests like to know the dates of our Quiet Days well in advance.  In response to those requests we are publicising this event whilst still in the process of completing our planning of the programmes for 2024.

                Further details of this Quiet Day will follow shortly.  Please check back regularly.


                Quiet Day price: £44 includes lunch and coffee and tea throughout the day.
                Why not think about extending your time at Launde by staying overnight after the event.  Check for availability and a quote when you contact us.


                Yes – I’d like to take part in this Quiet Day!  (Please complete this form to request a place.) 

                  October Quiet Day

                  We know that many of our regular guests like to know the dates of our Quiet Days well in advance.  In response to those requests we are publicising this event whilst still in the process of completing our planning of the programmes for 2024.

                  Further details of this Quiet Day will follow shortly.  Please check back regularly.


                  Quiet Day price: £44 includes lunch and coffee and tea throughout the day.
                  Why not think about extending your time at Launde by staying overnight after the event.  Check for availability and a quote when you contact us.


                  Yes – I’d like to take part in this Quiet Day!  (Please complete this form to request a place.)