Gardening Week ***FULLY BOOKED***

Enjoy a week working in Launde Abbey's spectacular gardens and experience our hospitality and dining.


Spiritual Writing Retreat ***FULLY BOOKED***

Come and discover the art of spiritual writing, writing about our spiritual lives and writing from that deep reflective place inside each of us.


Living with Loss **LIMITED SPACES**

Join others who have experienced bereavement and gain the tools to help cope with the life changing loss of a loved one.


Close Enough to Call

A retreat led by author and speaker Emily Owen exploring times in the Bible when God draws close to people and calls to them.


Finding Peace in a Changing World

Libby Dobson and Sarah Chabowska invite you to take a journey of discovery into the spacious place of God's love.


Beginners’ Retreat: A retreat for first time retreatants

A retreat for first time retreatants led Mirjam Ngoy-Verhage and Claire Goode. The aim of the weekend is to help you enter the world of silent retreats gently and with plenty of support.


October Quiet Day: Francis and Benedict

In this Quiet Day James Shakespeare will explore ways that Benedict and Francis can shape our prayer and discipleship and help us in the present day.


Gardening Week ***FULLY BOOKED***

Enjoy a week working in Launde Abbey's spectacular gardens and experience our hospitality and dining.


Retreat into the Psalms

Creatively exploring and praying a journey through the Psalms using word, image, art, craft, music and the retreat house grounds and surrounds.


November Quiet Day: Cloud of Witnesses

A chance to spend some time in reflection, in quiet and in shared worship as we live in the Communion of Saints and celebrate our fellowship with them.


Advent Retreat: Seeking Some Small Heaven ***FULLY BOOKED***

Ian Adams will open up ways to prepare ourselves for the possibilities of the Advent season, looking for the light within ourselves, in the world around us, and in the coming of the Christ-child.
