Tag Archives: Rural Ministries

Push Out Even Deeper

A continuing conversation on pioneering and pastoring
in the rural context.

In Luke 5 we read how Jesus invites some seasoned fishermen to do something out of the ordinary; to go beyond what they were used to and where they were used to doing it. They were encouraged to ‘push out into the deep’ and place their full reliance on Him.

Applying this metaphor to those called to pioneer and pastor in the rural context, we believe God is calling us to continue the conversation, pushing out even deeper. In facilitated discussions, prayer and through sharing of stories, come and learn what is working locally as well as regionally, and how we might support, resource, and encourage you where you are, and how you can link with other like-minded people.

The day begins at 10am and will run through to 4pm, including space to pray, feedback what the Holy Spirit is saying, and together identify next steps.This event is run in association with Rural Ministries.

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